“YE-SERVICE” LLC’s Business Ethics / Internal Charter
“YE-SERVICE” LLC’s rules of work ethics are norms based on universal principles of morality, regulating the specifics of behavior, behavior and relationships of employees, which the employee is obliged to observe while performing work duties.
Every employee of “YE-SERVICE” LLC should be endowed with three important qualities: feelings of respect, honesty and dignity.
“YE-SERVICE” LLC encourages teamwork and mutual respect.
Each employee of “YE-SERVICE” LLC should have the necessary level of skills, in particular should have:
a) professional knowledge and as necessary
work experience
b) experience of working with a computer and other modern technical means
c) in the case provided by the employment contract, knowledge of foreign languages as well
d) ability to reason and navigate in different situations
E) customer service skills
f) other skills arising from the employment contract and
The employee of “YE-SERVICE” LLC is obliged to observe ethics and
the following rules of conduct
a) to respect the formed corporate interests and the policies conducted by the company
b) refrain from such actions that may hinder the company’s work or discredit and discredit the company’s business reputation
c) be governed by moral norms based on the principles of justice and honesty
d) to be unbiased, unbiased, restrained and exemplary and
e) exclude rudeness in communication with customers and employees
(f) Be polite to each other
g) by his behavior, contribute to maintaining the client’s belief that the company’s service system is based on the idea of honesty and efficiency.
h) not to use and not to publish confidential information of the company that became known to him during the work
i) not to receive gifts, money or services from other persons for the performance of his work duties
Z) to be accountable to the management of “YE-SERVICE” LLC
k) timely and properly fulfill his duties stipulated by the employment contract
l) to show respectful attitude towards customers, not to refuse to answer customers’ questions
l) speak in a clear and clear language, treat the client in a dignified, fair and professional manner.
if the employee does not comply with the above rules, he receives a reprimand for the 1st time, a warning for the 2nd time, and a dismissal order for the 3rd time.
This internal regulation must be accepted and signed by every employee to avoid further obstacles.
Executive Director of “YE-SERVICE” LLC:
Knarik Boyajyan